Looking for a new phone... are "cheaper" phones actually bad ?

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Jun 28, 2016, 10:48:28 PM via Website

Hello all,

I'm still using my very first smartphone, an HTC Desire S bought in 2012. I'm the kind of person who buys a new phone every 5 years or so, unlike cough apple fanboys cough :P. I still love it, the battery is still epic, the small size is lovely (3.7"), light OS, solid...

Anyways, i gotta move on because more and more apps aren't supporting my OS version (2.3 :P).

I'm planning on sticking to HTC because reasons. I found 3 phones which are compact (4.5", i'm not interested in anything bigger) :
HTC One mini 2 = M5 (expensive)
HTC Desire 320 (cheap)
HTC Desire 310 (cheap)

All these 3 phones seem to have more or less the same CPU and RAM. They all have a GPS, two cameras, okay basic stuffs all smartphones have, and i'm not even picky about these things. My interest are : calls/sms, games, basic photos, utility apps, working GPS, and that the OS doesn't f#king crash, or the battery gets lame after a year.
The M5 has a much better camera, but aside from that I can't see why would i be interested in the M5 while I'd probably be satisfied with either of the two cheap ones. Unless i'm missing something ?

So basically, why are cheap phones cheap ? Are they less reliable on the long term (software or hardware) ? Please help me decide :).
Thanks !

(bonus : any hint about the Samsung Galaxy J1, or the Ace 4 ? both are cheap compact recent phones)

— modified on Jun 28, 2016, 10:58:38 PM

  • Forum posts: 251

Jun 29, 2016, 3:10:40 AM via Website

Cheap phones are not necessarily bad. Just less features or less advanced technology.

Is it bad? You get what you pay for, the more you pay, the higher quality is the product.

Of the 3 HTC phones, the HTC One mini 2 has a decent display, though not the best.

  • Forum posts: 6

Jun 29, 2016, 8:59:24 AM via Website

What do you mean by "decent display" ?

Thanks !

  • Forum posts: 251

Jun 29, 2016, 8:58:18 PM via Website


What do you mean by "decent display" ?

Thanks !

The HTC One mini 2 has a HD display, much better than the other two.

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Jul 1, 2016, 12:55:38 PM via Website

The M5 has HD720, while the two cheap ones have FWVGA.
I don't think the display matters to me, my current phone is WVGA and i'm quite satisfied with it. I don't intend to watch movies/videos on it.

So far i'm tempted to head for the cheap phones, it's not a matter of budget but i just can't find out a valid reason for me to buy the M5 over the cheap ones.

Thanks !

  • Forum posts: 13

Jul 1, 2016, 9:16:33 PM via Website

I don't think cheaper phones are so bad. But too cheap can be slow and have bad screen, camera and so on. I think you get what you pay for but i would say the "middle" segment is most bang for the buck. :)

  • Forum posts: 6

Jul 4, 2016, 11:48:03 AM via Website

up ^
