LG Optimus Speed — Family

  • Replies:1
Kathy Byrne
  • Forum posts: 1

Jun 12, 2016, 5:18:49 AM via Website

If I could get an answer to my question I would greatly appreciate it. I'm thinking of doing a factory reset to help my phone run better,as I'm aware that you have to have your memory backed up my question is when I do the reset do I loose everything in my Google+ Google drive Google photos Google music apps or will it all be there when their reinstalled? My phone is unrooted...

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  • Forum posts: 37

Jun 12, 2016, 3:05:12 PM via Website

Hello Kathy,

everything you saved at Google will remain and you'll get it back when you set up your old Google account.

Just check your photos if they are synchronized with Google.



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