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All nextpit Forums
8 forums / 26,137 posts
Café NextPit (for general chat)
(5,460 posts)A cozy get-together to discuss whatever you want - there's no such thing as off-topic in here.
Open forum -
Meet & Greet (drop in and say Hi!)
(4,290 posts)Come in and introduce yourself and say hi to other new members.
Open forum -
General Android How-To's (not device-specific)
(3,724 posts)The forum for all general how-to's and tutorials on Android (non-specific to device or OS version).
Open forum -
Feedback & Suggestions
(5,647 posts)General topics for feedback, forum guidelines, how to follow AndroidPIT
Open forum -
nextpit Announcements
(1,138 posts)Announcements and news related to the Android forum, nextpit website, and the nextpit app.
Open forum
nextpit Community
6 forums / 979 posts
nextpit Community
NextPit Support: Website
(356 posts)In NextPit Support: Website, we will provide assistance regarding our website inluding the App Center found there, the news, comments section etc
Open forum -
NextPit Support: NextPit App v.2.0
(122 posts)In the NextPit Support: NextPit App v.2.0, we will assist you with the new app, bring you information about udpates, answer questions and help solve problems.
Open forum
8 forums / 59,722 posts
Android Apps
(49,444 posts)Q&A on everything related to Android software, apps, and games.
Open forumSub-categories:
Android Rumors and News
(1,185 posts)Rumors and news about Android as well other smart phones and competitors.
Open forumSub-categories:
Android Visions
(585 posts)Everything related to the subject of the future of Android and Android phones.
Open forum -
Android OS Forums
(1,431 posts)Tips and tricks for all the Android operating systems: from Froyo to Ice Cream Sandwich.
Open forum -
Android "Root"
(1,855 posts)Android Forum on the subject of "Root".
Open forum -
Android Hardware and Technology
(1,721 posts)General questions concerning the technology and hardware of Android Smartphones - not matter what the model.
Open forum -
(1,042 posts)Here you can discuss the latest developments in the world of Android tablets.
Open forum -
Google Play Store
(1,394 posts)Our forum discussing all things related to Google's new Play Store!
Open forum
Android Developer
3 forums / 9,464 posts
Android Developer
Android Developer (general)
(8,748 posts)At the Android Developer Forum you’ll find questions, suggestions, tips, and tricks related to software development.
Open forum -
Android Tutorials
(495 posts)Tutorials at the Android Developer Forum.
Open forum -
Android Code Snippets
(221 posts)Code Snippets on the Android Developer Forum.
Open forum
Google Android Phones
6 forums / 1,298 posts
Google Android Phones
Google Galaxy Nexus Forum
(358 posts)Here at the Samsung Galaxy Nexus Forum you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your Samsung Galaxy Nexus
Open forumSub-categories:
Google Nexus 4 Forum
(143 posts)At the Google Nexus 4 Forum you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help related to your Google Nexus 4.
Open forumSub-categories:
Google Nexus 5 Forum
(373 posts)Welcome to the Google Nexus 5 Forum. Here you will find rumors about the Nexus 5 and once the device is released, tips and tricks, answers to your questions and place to share your own advice.
Open forum -
Google Nexus 6 Forum
(59 posts)This is where you'll find all things related to the Google Nexus 6, built by Motorola.
Open forum -
Google Nexus S Forum
(112 posts)Here at the Google Nexus S Forum you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your Google Nexus S.
Open forumSub-categories:
General Google Device Topics
(224 posts)
HTC Android Phones
17 forums / 2,929 posts
HTC Android Phones
HTC Desire HD Forum
(223 posts)At the HTC Desire HD Forum you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your HTC Desire HD.
Open forumSub-categories:
HTC Desire Eye Forum
(19 posts)This is HTC Desire Eye forum, for all your questions, advice, tips, tricks and fun stuff.
Open forum -
HTC Desire 820 Forum
(27 posts)This is the forum for all things HTC Desire 820: questions, advice, feedback, tips and tricks!
Open forum -
HTC One (M7)
(125 posts)You’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your HTC One right here at the HTC One Forum.
Open forumSub-categories:
HTC One (M8) Forum
(185 posts)This is the forum for all questions, opinions, rants and raves about the HTC One (M8).
Open forum -
HTC One (E8) Forum
(8 posts)This is the forum for HTC's plastic version of the One (M8): the HTC One (E8).
Open forum -
HTC One mini Forum
(21 posts)You’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your HTC One mini right here at the HTC One mini Forum.
Open forum -
HTC One Max Forum
(12 posts)Welcome to the HTC One Max Forum. Here you will find rumours about the HTC One Max and when it comes out, share advice and ask questions.
Open forum -
HTC One S Forum
(13 posts)You’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your HTC One S on the HTC One S Forum.
Open forumSub-categories:
HTC One V Forum
(14 posts)You’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your HTC One V right here at the HTC One V Forum.
Open forumSub-categories:
HTC One X Forum
(54 posts)You’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your HTC One X right here at the HTC One X Forum.
Open forumSub-categories:
HTC One X+ Forum
(1 post)Here at the HTC One X+ Forum you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your HTC One X+.
Open forumSub-categories:
HTC Sensation Forum
(279 posts)Find answers to all your HTC Sensation questions here.
Open forumSub-categories:
HTC Sensation XE Forum
(232 posts)Find answers to your HTC Sensation XE questions here
Open forumSub-categories:
Other HTC Android Devices
(1,572 posts)At the HTC Android Devices Forum you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help related to older HTC Android Devices
Open forum -
General HTC Topics
(81 posts)
Honor - Official Forum
3 forums / 82 posts
Honor - Official Forum
Honor 5X Forum
(13 posts)Here you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your Honor 5X. Come along and speak to Honor experts, newbies and all other friendly people!
Open forum -
Honor 8 Forum
(53 posts)Here you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your Honor 8. Come along and speak to Honor experts, newbies and all other friendly people!
Open forum -
Honor 6
(16 posts)Here you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your Honor 6+. Come along and speak to Honor experts, newbies and all other friendly people!
Open forum
Huawei Android Phones
7 forums / 1,046 posts
Huawei Android Phones
Huawei Ascend Mate Forum
(92 posts)You’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your Huawei Ascend Mate at the Huawei Ascend Mate Forum.
Open forum -
Huawei Ascend Mate 7 Forum
(29 posts)This is the Huawei Ascend Mate 7 forum for all things Ascend Mate 7: tips, tricks, advice, questions, rumors and feedback.
Open forum -
Huawei Ascend P1 Forum
(23 posts)Here at the Huawei Ascend 1 Forum you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your Huawei Ascend P1.
Open forum -
Huawei Ascend P6 Forum
(261 posts)You’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your Huawei Ascend P6 at the Huawei Ascend P6 Forum.
Open forum -
Other Huawei Android Phones
(348 posts)Here at the Huawei Android Phones Forum you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for other Huawei Android Phones
Open forum -
General Huawei Topics
(279 posts)
LG Android Phones
9 forums / 1,007 posts
LG Android Phones
LG G2 Forum
(148 posts)You’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your LG G2 at the LG G2 forum.
Open forum -
LG G2 Mini Forum
(17 posts)This is the forum for all questions, comments, tips and tricks for the LG G2 Mini.
Open forum -
LG G3 Forum
(233 posts)This is the place to find help, advice, opinions, tips and information about the LG G3.
Open forum -
LG G3 Mini (aka G Beat) Forum
(4 posts)This is the forum for all things related to the LG G3 MIni, also known as the LG G Beat.
Open forum -
LG Optimus 2X Forum
(10 posts)You’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your LG Optimus 2X at the LG Optimus 2X forum.
Open forum -
LG Optimus 4X Forum
(7 posts)Here at the LG Optimus 4X Forum you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your LG Optimus 4X.
Open forumSub-categories:
LG Optimus G Pro Forum
(19 posts)At the LG Optimus G Pro Forum you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your LG Optimus G Pro.
Open forumSub-categories:
Other LG Android Phone Forum
(359 posts)Here at the LG Android Phone Forum you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for some LG Android Phones
Open forum -
General LG Topics
(195 posts)
Motorola Android Phones
9 forums / 2,048 posts
Motorola Android Phones
Motorola Moto E Forum
(237 posts)Here you will find out all you need to know about the Moto E, such as tips & tricks, how-to's, Q&A's. You can ask any question and even help other fellow users.
Open forum -
Motorola Moto G Forum
(594 posts)The Motorola Moto G Forum is where you can get tips and tricks, ask questions and share advice about the Moto G.
Open forum -
Motorola Moto G (4G) Forum
(134 posts)This is the Motorola Moto G (4G) forum for all your questions, tips, advice, tricks and other Moto G (4G) threads.
Open forum -
Motorola Moto G (2014) Forum
(65 posts)This is the Motorola Moto G (2014) forum for all your questions, tips, advice, tricks and other Moto G threads.
Open forum -
Motorola Moto X Forum
(80 posts)Welcome to the Moto X Forum! Here you will find answers to your questions, be able to share and recieve advice, as well as find out about cool tips and tricks.
Open forum -
Motorola Moto X (2014) Forum
(22 posts)This is the Motorola Moto X (2014) forum for all your questions, tips, advice, tricks and other Moto X threads.
Open forum -
Motorola Razr i Forum
(12 posts)Welcome to the Motorola Razr i Forum. Here you will find tips and tricks, questions to your answers and have the chance to share your own advice.
Open forum -
Other Motorola Android Phone Forum
(848 posts)Here at Motorola Android Phone Forum you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for all older Motorola Android phones.
Open forum -
General Motorola Topics
(42 posts)
Samsung Android Phones
5 forums / 10,126 posts
Samsung Android Phones
General Samsung Topics
(592 posts) -
Samsung Galaxy S-Series
(6,048 posts)Here you will find forums for all Samsung Galaxy S-Series smartphones.
Open forumSub-categories:
Samsung Galaxy Note-Series
(2,016 posts)Here you will find forums for all Samsung Galaxy Note-Series smartphones.
Open forumSub-categories:
Samsung Galaxy A-Series
(117 posts)Here you will find forums for all Samsung Galaxy A-Series smartphones.
Open forumSub-categories:
Other Samsung Android Phones
(1,308 posts)Here at the Samsung Android Phones Forum you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for all remaining Samsung Android Phones.
Open forum
Sony Android Phones
15 forums / 1,037 posts
Sony Android Phones
Sony Xperia J Forum
(10 posts)At the Sony Xperia J Forum you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help related to your Sony Xperia M.
Open forum -
Sony Xperia P Forum
(7 posts)Here at the Sony Xperia P Forum you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your Sony Xperia P.
Open forum -
Sony Xperia S Forum
(37 posts)You’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your Sony Xperia S at the Sony Xperia S Forum.
Open forumSub-categories:
Sony Xperia T Forum
(11 posts)You’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your Sony Xperia T at the Sony Xperia T Forum.
Open forumSub-categories:
Sony Xperia U Forum
(36 posts)Here at the Sony Xperia U Forum you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your Sony Xperia U.
Open forumSub-categories:
Sony Xperia Z Forum
(69 posts)You’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your Sony Xperia Z at the Sony Xperia Z Forum.
Open forumSub-categories:
Sony Xperia Z1 (honami) forum
(14 posts)At the Sony Xperia Z1 Forum you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help related to your Sony Xperia Z1.
Open forum -
Sony Xperia Z1 Compact / Z1 f Forum
(10 posts)Welcome to the Sony Xperia Z1 Compact and Z1 f forum! Here you can find tips and tricks about this device, as well as share your own advice and ask questions.
Open forum -
Sony Xperia Z2 Forum
(45 posts)This is the forum for all questions, comments, tips and tricks for the Sony Xperia X2.
Open forum -
Sony Xperia Z3 Forum
(30 posts)This is the forum for all your thoughts, expectations, feelings, emotions, joys and sadnesses relating to the Sony Xperia Z3.
Open forum -
Sony Xperia Z3 Compact Forum
(20 posts)This is the forum for all your thoughts, expectations, feelings, emotions, joys and sadnesses relating to the Sony Xperia Z3 Compact.
Open forum -
Sony Xperia ZL Forum
(1 post)At the Sony Xperia ZL Forum you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help related to your Sony Xperia ZL.
Open forum -
Sony Xperia Z Ultra Forum
(43 posts)At the Sony Xperia Z Ultra Forum you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help related to your Sony Xperia Z Ultra.
Open forum -
Other Sony phones
(674 posts) -
General Sony Topics
(22 posts)
Other Android Devices and Services (Chromecast, Google Fit etc)
17 forums / 1,234 posts
Other Android Devices and Services (Chromecast, Google Fit etc)
Android Auto Forum
(95 posts)This is the forum for all questions, advice, tips and troubleshooting for Android Auto.
Open forum -
Android One Device Forum
(81 posts)This is the forum for all Android One devices. Add your reviews, suggestions, questions and comments.
Open forum -
Android TV Forum
(159 posts)This is the forum to share all your thoughts, questions, comments and tips for Google TV.
Open forum -
Blackphone Forum
(14 posts)This is the forum for all questions, comments, tips and tricks for the Blackphone by Geeksphone and Silent Circle.
Open forum -
(77 posts)This is the Chromecast forum, for all tips, thoughts and tweaks for Google's Chromecast streaming device.
Open forum -
Google Fit Forum
(86 posts)Here you share your expectations, experiences and thoughts about Google's own fitness platform: Google Fit.
Open forum -
Google Nexus One Forum
(66 posts)At the Nexus One Forum you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your Google Nexus One.
Open forumSub-categories:
Other Android devices not listed
(470 posts) -
Kyocera Hydro Forum
(2 posts)You’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your Kyocera Hydro at the Kyocera Hydro Forum.
Open forum -
Kyocera Rise Forum
(1 post)You’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your Kyocera Rise at the Kyocera Rise Forum.
Open forum -
Pantech Breakout Forum
(5 posts)At the Pantech Breakout Forum you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help related to your Pantech Breakout.
Open forum -
Pantech Pocket Forum
(12 posts)At the Pantech Pocket Forum you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help related to your Pantech Pocket.
Open forum -
T-Mobile G1 Forum
(54 posts)At the T-Mobile G1 Forum you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help related to the T-Mobile G1 - the first Android phone.
Open forumSub-categories:
T-Mobile MyTouch 4G Slide Forum
(21 posts)Here at the T-Mobile MyTouch 4G Slide Forum you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your T-Mobile MyTouch 4G Slide
Open forumSub-categories:
T-Mobile Prism Forum
(1 post)At the T-Mobile Prism Forum you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help related to your T-Mobile Prism.
Open forum -
YotaPhone Forum
(0 posts)This is the forum for all questions, comments, tips and tricks for the various Yota devices.
Open forum
Android Tablets
11 forums / 2,084 posts
Android Tablets
Acer Tablets Forum
(106 posts)Acer Tablets Forum
Open forumSub-categories:
Amazon Tablets Forum
(112 posts)Sub-categories:
Archos Tablets Forum
(55 posts)Sub-categories:
ASUS Tablet Forum
(116 posts)Sub-categories:
Google Tablets Forum
(277 posts)Sub-categories:
HTC Tablets Forum
(51 posts)Sub-categories:
Huawei Tablets Forum
(28 posts)Sub-categories:
LG Tablet Forum
(10 posts)Welcome to the LG Tablet forum where you will find the various tablets for this company.
Open forumSub-categories:
Motorola Tablets Forum
(28 posts)Sub-categories:
Samsung Tablets
(1,254 posts)Sub-categories:
- Samsung Galaxy Note Forum
- Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 Forum
- Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 Forum
- Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (2014 Edition) Forum
- Samsung Galaxy Tab Forum
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 Forum
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 Forum
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1v Forum
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (7.0) Forum
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (10.1) Forum
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 (10.1, 8.0 & 7.0) Forum
Sony Tablets
(20 posts)Sub-categories:
Other Android Tablets
8 forums / 778 posts
Other Android Tablets
aPad Forum
(95 posts)Here at the aPad Forum, you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your aPad.
Open forum -
aPad flytouch2 Forum
(16 posts)Here at the aPad flytouch2 Forum you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your aPad flytouch2.
Open forum -
DELL Streak Forum
(47 posts)Here at the DELL Streak Forum you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your DELL Streak.
Open forumSub-categories:
Easypix EasyPad 1000 Forum
(9 posts)Here at the Easypix EasyPad 1000 Forum you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your Easypix EasyPad 1000.
Open forum -
Lenovo IdeaPad Tablet Forum
(42 posts)You’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your Lenovo IdeaPad Tablet at the Lenovo IdeaPad Tablet Forum.
Open forum -
Panasonic Toughpad A1 Forum
(4 posts)At the Panasonic Toughpad A1 Forum you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your Panasonic Toughpad A1.
Open forum -
TOUCHLET Tablet-PC X2 / X2G Forum
(70 posts)Here at the TOUCHLET Tablet-PC X2/X2G Forum you’ll find answers, tips, tricks, and help for your TOUCHLET Tablet-PC X2/X2G.
Open forum -
Other Android tablets not listed
(289 posts)
Wearable Android Devices
5 forums / 416 posts
Wearable Android Devices
Android Wear Forum (Moto 360, LG G Watch, Samsung Gear Live etc)
(174 posts)This is the forum for all ''newer'' Android Wear-based smartwatches and other wearable devices based on the Android Wear platform.
Open forum -
''Older'' smartwatches (Pebble, Galaxy Gear, Sony Smartwatch, Toq, Omate etc)
(83 posts)This is the forum for all questions about the ''older'' batch of pre-Android Wear smartwatches.
Open forum -
Fitness/sports wearables (Nike Fuelband, LG Lifeband, FitBit, Jawbone, Gear Fit etc)
(59 posts)This is the forum to ask any questions about fitness/sports wearables and health trackers/biometric data devices, apps and extensions.
Open forum -
Smart glasses (Google Glass, Recon Jet, Galaxy Gear Glass etc)
(36 posts)In this forum you'll find information about various smart glasses and HUD wearables.
Open forum -
General wearable questions, info and feedback
(64 posts)This is the forum for all your general questions, feedback and information about wearable Android devices.
Open forum
4 forums / 791 posts
Android Hardware Offers
(104 posts)Sell your Android hardware, your phones and more in the Android forum.
Open forum -
Android Hardware Search
(220 posts)Still don’t have an Android phone? Need a second device? Then you’re at the right place.
Open forum -
Android Job Offers
(367 posts)Got an Android development project? Looking for support? Ask about it here!
Open forum -
Android Job Search
(100 posts)Are you looking for an Android-related job? Post about it here at the Android Forum.
Open forum
Smartphones and Tablets
16 posts
Wearables, smartwatches and fitness
0 posts
Energy, power stations, balcony power plants, heating and more
1 post
Smart home, lighting, security and automation
1 post
Electromobility, e-bikes, e-scooters and more
0 posts
Headphones and audio
0 posts
AR, VR, MR and more
2 posts
Apps and games
68 posts